Biden and Trump Clash over Architectural Plans for America

By Thea Reddington

Even when it comes to the arts, Democrats and Republicans don’t see eye to eye. In what has become a familiar occurrence, Biden has revoked a bill passed by Trump only 69 days after it was signed. Trump had signed the order titled ‘Promoting Beautiful Federal Civic Architecture’ which aimed to continue building governmental infrastructure in the same classical style typical of prominent federal buildings. This style of architecture can be seen in the Capitol Building in Washington D.C. where just two months ago violent rioting took place. However, this style of architecture is visible in governmental buildings across the world recalling the architecture of Ancient Greece, the birthplace of democracy as we know it.

Protesters storming the Capitol Building on January 6th, 2021. Image courtesy of Getty Images.

Protesters storming the Capitol Building on January 6th, 2021. Image courtesy of Getty Images.

Biden’s decision has been backed by the president of the American Institute of Architects, who claims, ‘the Biden administration has restored communities with the freedom of design choice." However, this move doesn’t have the support of all artistic groups. The U.S. Commission of Fine Arts advises the government on ‘designs and aesthetics’ and during the Trump administration gained four new members that swing towards favouring traditional aesthetics. Head of the commission, Justin Shubow, is a critic of modern architecture and insists the most recent modernist governmental buildings are ‘dismal’. He argues that architectural design actually is something that Democrats and Republicans agree on and states a poll discovered that ‘72% of American adults prefer classical and traditional design for federal buildings.’

President Joe Biden signing executive orders. Image courtesy of Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images

President Joe Biden signing executive orders. Image courtesy of Mandel Ngan/AFP via Getty Images

Many may be indifferent to the style of federal buildings, however, there are claims from one pro-Trump news source that architectural style has a direct impact on democratic matters. One America Network has said that it was not Trump who incited violence and rioting on the Capitol Building, but rather its dead architect Pierre L’Enfant. They claimed that due to the attention-grabbing structure being positioned at the centre of the city, where boulevards converge and historical buildings such as the Washington Monument line up, the Capitol’s architecture itself caused angry mobs to attack the seat of American democracy. If this viewpoint is taken seriously, then it’s interesting to consider that the Trump administration wanted to continue constructing buildings that arise such tumult in the American people.

Protestors rioting at Capitol Hill. Image courtesy of Shannon Stapleton/ REUTERS

Protestors rioting at Capitol Hill. Image courtesy of Shannon Stapleton/ REUTERS

Architecture critic Philip Kennicott said to The Washington Post that Biden made the right move and needed to go further in removing multiple members from the U.S. Commission of Fine Arts explaining that "they should be replaced with a diverse body of professionals, including women and people of color." It is yet to be seen in what direction Biden will progress with his architectural plans yet Shubow, the head of the Commission has said that they intend to work alongside the Biden administration. However, he adds somewhat threateningly that ‘historically our advice has always headed.’


Blair, Elizabeth. ‘President Biden Revokes Trump’s Controversial Classical Architecture Order,’ NPR, February 25, 2021,

Block, India. ‘Biden Revokes Trump’s ‘’Beautiful’’ Architecture Executive Order,’ Dezeen, February 25, 2021,

The Editors or Art News, ‘President Biden Stops Trump Architecture Order,’ Art News, February 26, 2021,