Possible Raphael Masterpiece of Mary Magdalene Uncovered in Small London Gallery

By Esme Franks

Mary Madgalene, 1504. Image from artnet

One might expect that in the many centuries that have passed since the Renaissance, amidst our contemporary era of abundant knowledge, assurance, and meticulousness, we would have experienced everything and, more crucially, have identified the whereabouts of everything we have encountered. However, once again, art has been the lens through which we are shown this may not be the case.


Unlike the famous finding of Leonardo Da Vinci’s long-lost ‘Salvator Mundi’, which is now attributed to the artist without question, I would like to make clear that this article is in essence based on theory.


Three months ago in October 2023, the art world experienced a fantastic finding. Experts claimed that a portrait of Mary Magdalene (sold for £30,000 in auction from a small London Gallery to an anonymous French collector) was, in fact, not painted by a student of Da Vinci, but by the Renaissance master Raphael Sanzio himself.


The work is dated to 1504, with the figure of Mary illuminated as she emerges from the darkness of the background, enveloped in light. She appears contemplative and modest, casting her gaze downward while clasping her hands together. She wears dark, plain clothing and no jewellery. The work is almost an exact replica of Pietro Perugino’s portrait of Mary Magdalene from 1500, held in the Pitti Palace in Florence. As Perugino’s student, it would make sense for Raphael to have copied the work to learn his master’s skills and craftsmanship. However, it is now in question as to which work was produced first. One theory states that Perugino used Raphael’s initial drawings to transform the composition into paint. Mary’s face, in both works, is also based on Perugino’s wife, Chiara Fancelli.


In particular, it was the use of spolvero, a technique where an artist uses a fine dust to transfer the outlines of a preparatory drawing, which was at the centre of their argument. This was a signature element of Raphael’s works, using it constantly, whereas Perugino did not. Furthermore, Nathalie Popis, expert in artistic mathematics, in an analysis of the piece's proportions and composition has been led to the conclusion that the work is, in fact, by Raphael. Meanwhile, Vittorio Sgarbi, undersecretary to Italy’s Ministry of Culture, stated there is “No chance that the painting is by the Urbino master…it is a journalistic scoop based on the knowledge of a few.” Therefore, the work is a mystery.


I the work beautiful? Yes. Remarkable? In my opinion, no. When looking at a painting, do we pay any primary attention to the pure skill demonstrated? Or do our eyes wander directly towards the name badge placed by its side. If this painting’s accreditation to an unknown artist was without question, would we give it any merit at all? Fame is a timeless concept which fails to escape any of us, as it subconsciously integrates its influence on our perception and opinion. Had this article not had the word ‘Raphael’ in the title, I doubt half of you would even be reading it. I know for one that I would not, in fact, have written it. ‘Priceless artefact’ to ‘cheap replica’: if the painting itself does not change, why does it matter?


 “A Group of Researchers Claim to Have Discovered a Long-Lost Raphael Painting. Critics Say It’s Just a Cheap Replica.” ArtNet News. Sep 22, 2023.


Annalisa Di Maria, Jean-Charles Pomerol, Nathalie Popis, Andrea Chiarabini. “La Marie-Madeleine de Raphaël ou quand l’élève dépasse le Maître & nbsp.” Arts and Sciences. October 4, 2023.


“Raffaello Sanzio’s Mary Magdalene has been Found.” World Art News. October 18, 2023.


Harry Howard. “'Very dirty' portrait of Mary Magdalene which was sold by London gallery to French collector for just £30,000 is actually the work of Italian renaissance master Raphael.” Daily Mail. October 23, 2023.
