Burrell Collection to Re-open, Sparking Glasgow’s Cultural Scene

By Paige Miller

After six years behind closed doors, stunning collections will again be available to the public with the reopening date of Glasgow’s Burrell Collection having announced earlier this week. Visitors will have an enhanced, modernized experience of the Burrell Collection in Pollok Country Park, greater access to the building, and experience exhibits that emphasize community. 

 In 1944, the Burrell Collection was gifted to the City of Glasgow by Sir William Burrell, a Glasgow native, and Lady Constance, his wife. The collection houses over 9,000 works of art from around the world with an emphasis on Chinese, Roman, Egyptian, and Medieval objects. The tapestries in the collection are also of note, with over 200 of fine quality in the collection. Sir William Burrell’s avid Connoisseurship of Chinese art, resulted in one of the UK’s most significant Chinese art collections (“Top 30”). Considered to be “a cornerstone of Glasgow’s artist renaissance, one of the jewels in the crown of Scottish culture and one of the most important treasure troves of work amassed by a single individual anywhere in the world”, the Burrell Collection is a significant piece of Glasgow city (Ferguson). 

Meiping Vase. Ming Dynasty, Hongwu period, 1368-1398. Burrell Collection: Chinese Pottery [Stoneware, Porcelain].

From a young age, Sir William Burrell was interested in art, having bought his first artwork at 15 (“About the Burrell Collection”). Sir William Burrell made his fortune in shipping and used his money to collect art and antiques as well as participating in philanthropic activities (Ferguson). He was actively involved in the arts community throughout his life and donated a substantial amount of art to the Glasgow International Exhibition in 1901 which laid the groundwork for today’s Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum. Sir William Burrell’s service to art was recognized in 1927 when he was knighted in recognition of his support and contributions (“About”).  

Tapestry. Fight Between a Falcon and a Heron. France. circa 1525. Burrell Collection: European Tapestries.

The Collection’s re-opening has been in the works for the past six years as the Burrell Collection has been undergoing a £68 million refurbishments (Brooks). Housing the Collection’s impressive artworks, the building, itself, is a work of art, described by the Glasgow City Council as “one of Scotland’s finest examples of post-war architecture” (Ferguson). Particular emphasis has been put on not only enhancing the viewer experience but reducing carbon emissions (Ferguson). This comes at a particularly poignant time for environmental activism as Glasgow hosted the COP 26 conference just a few months ago.

Exterior of the Burrell Collection. Photograph: Murdo MacLeod/The Guardian.

In 1983, on the tails of the city’s “post-industrial decline”, The Burrell Collection became a catalyst for cultural regeneration and appreciation of the arts (“About”). Over 1 million people visited the Collection in the first year of it’s opening, marking a significant renewal in interest in the arts and re-positioning Glasgow as a center of culture (“About”). Now, in 2022, after two years of tumultuous economic and social upheaval, art is more important than ever. The Burrell Collection is at the forefront, combining reduced-carbon architecture and design, with innovative exhibitions of a world-class collection. It is with eager anticipation that the public can look forward to a similar regeneration of the arts on March 29, as the Burrell Collection, once again, opens its doors.


 “About The Burrell”. The Burrell Collection. Accessed 10 Feb 2022. https://burrellcollection.com/ the-collection-the-gift-to-glasgow-and-the-charity-that-cares-for-it/ 

 Brooks, Libby. “Glasgow’s Burrell Collection to reopen after six-year, £68m refurbishment”. The Guardian. 8 Feb 2022. Accessed 10 Feb 2022. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/ 2022/feb/08/glasgow-burrell-collection-reopen-68m-refurbishment-slave-trade 

 Ferguson, Brian. “Burrell Collection: Glasgow reveals £68m new look for home of 9000 art treasures gifted by shipping magnate”. The Scotsman. 8 Feb 2022. Accessed 10 Feb 2022. https:// www.scotsman.com/whats-on/arts-and-entertainment/burrell-collection-glasgow-reveals- ps68m-new-look-for-home-of-9000-art-treasures-gifted-by-shipping-magnate-3558804 

 “Top 30 Highlights”. The Burrell Collection. Accessed 10 Feb 2022. https://burrellcollection.com/ collection-highlights/